MyCourses Offers Accommodation Features and Services

Disability Services may notify instructors that specific students require accommodations within a course such as:

  • Extended time on a quiz, test, or exam
  • Professional captions on videos
  • Captions for Zoom sessions
  • Sign language interpreters for Zoom sessions

MyCourses and its integrated tools such as Zoom and Kaltura can assist you with supplying the necessary accommodations.

Extended Time

If a student requires extended time on a quiz, you may set special access per quiz via the Quiz Tool. You may also choose to apply a global extended time option that will impact all quizzes via the Classlist Tool.

Classlist edit accommodations for allowing extended time on a quiz


Kaltura Video Captions

Videos hosted in Kaltura are automatically machine captioned. If a captioning accommodation is required, instructors may request professional captioning for videos hosted in Kaltura. Instructors also have the ability to edit machine or professional captions. If a YouTube video is used in a course, it can be linked to Kaltura and it can use the Kaltura captioning options.

Live Captions for Zoom Meetings

Automatic Live Captions

The meeting host may enable live captions through the Show Captions button. Meeting participants can request that the host enable captions.

Zoom Meeting Toolbar includes a Show Captions button.

Each participant can choose to view the captions as subtitles and/or a live transcript.

Select arrow next to Hide Captions to modify Subtitle Settings

Each participant may also choose to modify their subtitle preferences which includes modifying the font size of the captions/subtitles.

In the Zoom Preferences | Accessibility window, modify the closed captioning font size.

Manual Captions by a Meeting Attendee or College provided Captioning Resource

If a student in your course requires a captioner, Disability Services will notify you and coordinate with Information Technology (IT) to ensure that the captioner is added to your MyCourses course.

During a meeting you will be able to assign a participant as a captioner.

Zoom Caption settings allow meeting hosts to assign a participant as a captioner.

Adding a Sign Language Interpreter

Sign Language Interpreter in MyCourses

If a student in your course requires a sign language interpreter, Disability Services will notify you and coordinate with Information Technology (IT) to ensure that the interpreter is added to your MyCourses course.

Sign Language Interpreter in a Zoom Meeting

Zoom offers a sign language interpreting feature that relies on one of the meeting participants to serve in the role of interpreter. So long as the interpreter has access to the MyCourses course, they may join any scheduled Zoom sessions. Disability Services will coordinate interpreter access to MyCourses. The instructor will then need to ensure that the Zoom meeting is set up to offer interpreting.

Example of an interpreter in a Zoom meeting

Zoom-Interpreter Setup Information for Instructors

While Zoom meetings may be scheduled via the MyCourses Zoom integration, to configure a scheduled meeting for sign language interpreter services instructors must also go to the full-featured Zoom portal to enable language interpretation. Zoom offers the most up-to-date information on their sign language interpreting features.

Select interpretation options when scheduling a meeting via the Zoom portal.

Request a Consultation

Due to the complexity of setting up the captioner and interpreter settings, Information Technology recommends a practice session between the instructor and interpreter/captioner along with an Information Technology (IT) staff member. You can request an IT staff member join a practice session by scheduling a consultation.