Take your GGC Files anywhere on campus with OneDrive Known Folders


Tired of rummaging through your office for a USB drive?

Ever made the mad dash back to a classroom to retrieve a USB drive?

Concerned about having confidential information on an USB drive?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then you should consider using OneDrive and the Known Folder Move feature!

Microsoft OneDrive now automatically backs up everything in the Desktop, Documents, and Pictures folders of your GGC-managed Windows computer. It then syncs that information to the same folders when you log-in to a lectern Windows computer or other shared Windows computer. This eliminates the need to use a USB drive to transport files from place-to-place on campus.

If you frequently use the same classrooms or conference spaces, you can now access the information you want to present by simply logging in to the room’s Windows computer with your GGC user account. All of the files that are saved in your Desktop, Documents, and Pictures folders on your GGC-managed Windows computer will be there, ready for you to use, and located in the same folders.

This is accomplished in OneDrive by a process called Known Folder Move (KFM). It essentially replicates your desktop and primary folder environment on any other GGC-managed Windows computer. Your data will be placed in the same locations as it currently resides in your primary computer and in your GGC OneDrive account. All of your data remains protected by your GGC user account and cannot be accessed (on either your primary computer or the shared computer) unless you sign in using your account credentials.

This service is already in use in your OneDrive account, and will automatically place your files on any GGC-managed Windows computer. This is a great way to share (and protect) your important files and data when using multiple computers on campus.

Known Folders Move & Mac Computers

At this time, Known Folder Move is currently not available for GGC-managed Mac computers.

For more information about OneDrive and the Known Folders process, visit the OneDrive page on the IT Services website.