We have new updates for MyCourses! See below for details, and please contact helpdesk@ggc.edu if you encounter any problems or have questions.
D2L will disable the MyCourses Chat Tool in January 2024.
“Online communication has evolved over time and has been replaced by instant messaging on mobile devices. Even AOL closed its chat rooms in 2010! Use of our chat tool has been declining over the years, and this decision allows us to simplify our platform by reducing confusion around tools that do similar things.” – D2L
IT recommends the Instant Messages tool or the Microsoft Course Connector as an alternative to the Chat Tool.
Announcements – Copy announcements to other courses in published state | Updated
The ability to copy announcements to other courses was originally released for the Announcements tool in November 2023.
As of this release, the instructors can publish copied announcements in other courses using either the Announcements tool or widget. This is done by selecting the Copy to Other Courses option from the announcement’s context menu. In the Copy Announcement window, there is a new check box option labeled Publish Announcement on Copy. When this box is selected, the announcement is directly published in the destination course or courses, skipping the draft stage. If the check box is not selected, the announcement copies as a draft into the destination course or courses.
Previously, copied announcements appeared in draft form and required publishing in the destination course to complete the process.

Assignments and Discussions – Feedback field limitations for evaluation experiences | Updated
The Assignments and Discussions tools’ evaluation feedback field is changing from a 500,000-character limitation to a 300,000-character limitation, resulting in an updated dialog warning appearing when the user hits 300,000 characters.
The character limit update improves performance and security for evaluations. Previously, when a user would enter over 300,000 characters, the new information may not have been saved. This potential save failure resulted in the loss of anything entered between 300,000-500,000 characters.

Calendar – View quiz start and quiz end dates as separate events in Calendar | New
When an instructor adds a Start Date and End Date in Quizzes and then selects Add Availability Dates to Calendar, both dates are displayed in the Calendar tool as separate events. Previously, only one event was displayed showing when the availability of that quiz ended.

Course Import – Homepage and Navigation Bar NAME values retained for comparison within parent orgunits | Updated
This release updates the course import workflow to include the NAME values of the active Homepage and Navigation Bar during export, provided that the Homepage or Navigation Bar:
- is shared from a parent orgunit level; and
- is specifically chosen (not Default).
During import, Brightspace attempts to match the NAME of the Homepage and Navigation Bar to one shared to the destination course offering. The Homepage and Navigation Bar are set to the match if found; otherwise, the course offering is set to use the Default.
Note: Currently exported Brightspace packages do not contain Homepage and Navigation Bar information and use the Default during import.
While this information is exported automatically, users can choose to not set the active homepage and navbar to the one in the imported package by navigating to Advanced Options and un-selecting Homepage and Navigation Bar named in course package should be set as active.
Previously, information about the Homepage and Navigation Bar was not retained during import or export. This feature only imports and exports the NAME value of Homepages and Navigation Bars; it does not allow for the import or export of a Homepage or Navigation Bar.
Discussions – New Discussion Topic Editing Experience universally enabled | Updated
With this release, the New Discussion Topic Editing Experience, which was introduced in December 2022, has completed the adoption program and is now the only editing experience for all users. The New Discussion Topic Editing Experience is set to on as the default with no option to opt-out, and the Legacy Discussion Topic Editing Experience is no longer available after this release.
Quizzes – Better identify bonus questions in a quiz | New
Quizzes now clearly mark bonus questions with Bonus, improving student understanding and addressing a previous lack of indication in Quizzes.

Rubrics – Grades tool now uses Consistent Evaluation interface for assessments | Updated
When an evaluator assesses an assignment or discussion in the Grades tool, the rubric now uses the Consistent Evaluation interface where there is work submitted for evaluation. This is consistent with the assessment experience for assignments or discussions in other areas of Brightspace.
Previously, evaluations for these activities used a pop-out Rubric grid when launching from the Grades tool. When users click the drop-down menu on the column header to enter grades, the rows with un-submitted work now use the Consistent Evaluation experience instead of the previous Rubric pop-out.
This feature addresses the following accessibility criteria:
- WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion 3.2.4 – Consistent Identification

LinkedIn Learning
The LinkedIn Learning integration in MyCourses has been upgraded to the newest version (LTI 1.3 + LTI Advantage).
With LinkedIn Learning and LTI 1.3 + LTI Advantage, instructors can:
- Search, preview, and filter LinkedIn Learning content in a rich course view with ease
- Seamlessly add up to date, relevant LinkedIn Learning content to their curriculum
- Track student progress and course completions within MyCourses
- Sync grades, course completions, and other course details into the MyCourses gradebook.
The Kaltura integration in MyCourses has been upgraded to the newest version (LTI 1.3). LTI 1.3 provides improved integration and security.
The My Media and Course Gallery tools no longer launch in a separate tab, so everything will stay neatly tucked inside of MyCourses. The legacy integration will remain installed, so all previously linked videos will still play as expected. Newly linked Kaltura videos will be created using the new integration, and copied links will be auto-migrated to the new integration. No action is needed on the instructor end.
Need to learn more?
Need to learn more about MyCourses, Zoom, Accessibility, or Classroom Technology?
Check the IT Webinar Schedule – OR- Schedule a 1-1 Consultation