Academic Technology Updates for July 2024

We have new updates for MyCourses and Pearson! See below for details, and please contact if you encounter any problems or have questions.


MyCourses SMS Notifications will be removed by our Learning Management System (LMS) vendor, D2L, this Friday, July 26th. Information Technology (IT) recommends downloading and installing the Brightspace Pulse mobile app to ensure uninterrupted delivery of MyCourses notifications.


Email – Emails queued as background task when sent to large numbers of recipients

With this release, emails that have 100 or more recipients are queued for sending as background tasks, allowing users to continue working while the email is being sent. A Sending label is displayed when viewing the email in their Sent Items folder to indicate that the email has been queued; this label disappears once the email is sent. If any issues occur while sending the email, an alert message appears in Message alerts with the details.

Emails sent to fewer than 100 recipients are sent immediately and any errors appear in the Compose New Message window.

Previously, emails with large numbers of recipients were not run as background tasks and could cause page timeouts. This feature does not impact the maximum number of recipients of an email, which remains at 200 (including CC) and at 3000 for BCC.

This release also includes header labels for the columns within the Email tool.

The Sent Email folder of the Email tool, showing both the Sending Label and the column header labels (Priority, Read/Unread, Attachments, and To).
Figure: Users can see if their email is Sending as a background task and view details about the email under the appropriate headers.
Grades – Automatic Zero for Missing Submissions

The Automatic Zero feature allows a score of zero (0) to be automatically applied to unsubmitted student activities after the due date passes. Applying the Automatic Zero feature eliminates the need for instructors to manually set missing submissions to zero. Additionally, students receive a more accurate view of their grade calculations for individual activities and for the overall course.

Supported submissions include file and text-based assignments, quizzes, and external learning tools. All activities must have grade associations.

Instructors can select between system-added and manually-entered zero scores. Automatic Zero applies to both individual and group assignments and respects any exemptions and release conditions set for an activity. Automatic Zero is triggered within one minute of the due date and is based on local time zones for both instructors and students. The feature follows the same rules as existing due dates.

Need to learn more?

Need to learn more about MyCourses, Zoom, Accessibility, or Classroom Technology?

Check the IT Webinar Schedule – OR- Schedule a 1-1 Consultation