

GGC will transition from Anthology (formerly Blackboard) Ally to YuJa Panorama as the primary digital accessibility solution. Information Technology (IT) will disable Ally on December 19, 2024. Please read MyCourses Digital Accessibility Features for details.

Ally adds accessibility-focused features to GGC’s MyCourses environment. Ally provides instructors with recommendations, examples, and training for improving the accessibility of content such as Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and PDF files. For both instructors and students, Ally offers alternate ways/formats to consume content. The alternate formats available include:

  • HTML for improved reading on mobile phones
  • Electronic Braille for the visually impaired
  • Audio for learning on the go

Ally automatically generates these alternative formats for many MyCourses’ course files and makes them available for download without impacting the original file.

Resources for Instructors (provided by Ally).