Turnitin (Tii) is best known as a plagiarism detection service that is integrated with MyCourses. In reality, Tii is a suite of services/features including:
- Originality used for plagiarism detection as well as a resource to teach students how to properly cite sources and avoid plagiarism
- Grademark gives isntructors online grading and markup tools for student work submitted to Turnitin.
- Peermark provides tools for peer evaluation of writing
- Draft Coach provides students with instant feedback on similarity, citations, and grammar as they write.
Teaching & Learning with Turnitin
Turnitin integrates with the MyCourses’s Assignment Tool. Faculty can enable Turnitin services and features for each assignment. Based on the services and features enabled, faculty and students may be able to access originality scores, feed back on citations, and mark up student submissions in-line with text based on the assignment a student submits.
Via the MyCourses Content Tool, Peermark can be used to create a peer review experience to assist with evaluation of student writing.
Turnitin Help
Faculty-focused Turnitin Help
- Enable Originality for a MyCourses Assignment
- Locate an Originality Score for a Student Assignment Submission
- Provide Feedback, Markup, and Assessment using Grademark for a MyCourses’ Assignment Submission
- Enable a Peer Review Assignment for Student Evaluation of Writing
- Create an Assignment that uses Turnitin via MyCourses
- Assess an Assignment that uses Turnitin via MyCourses